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Cable EZ-Bar Biceps Curl

Cable curls performed with an EZ bar attachment strengthen the biceps and wrist flexors. The EZ bar reduces shearing forces on the wrist and provides a more comfortable grip than the straight bar attachment. Cable curls provide a smooth resistance throughout the entire range-of-motion (ROM). Variations include using a single handle and reverse EZ cable curls.

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EZ-Bar Curl — Standing

Standing EZ-bar curls strengthen and define the upper arm muscles. EZ-bar curls are a compound movement that recruits both the biceps and forearms to move the weight. If you’re looking for an alternative to barbell curls, EZ-bar curls are a great choice. The grip relieves stress on the wrist muscles by creating a slightly “neutral” position and allows for a closer grip on the bar than barbell curls.

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Hammer Curl — Seated

The seated hammer curl develops the biceps and forearm muscles. If you’re a bodybuilder looking to mix up your biceps workout or just an “average joe” trying to beef up your “guns” seated hammer curls deliver results. The neutral grip alleviates pressure on the wrist and is therefore a good option for anyone with wrist problems.

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Hammer Curl — Standing

Standing hammer curls build the biceps (brachialis) and forearm (brachioradialius) muscles. Wrist curls, another great forearm exercise, can be performed before hammer curls to pre-fatigue the forearms. After the forearms are pre-fatigued the biceps assist the forearm past their normal limits. The extra assistance help the forearms become stronger. Add standing hammer curls to your workout to build great looking arms.

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Hand Stand Lockout - Wall Suppor

Hand Stand Lockout – Wall Support

Hand Stand lockout is the precursor to the handstand pushups with wall support. This exercise develops strength in the shoulders and arms. This exercise is advanced and should be performed with supervision. Build a strong level of strength in the shoulders and upper-body before attempting this exercise. Coordination and balance are improved.

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Hand Stand Pushups - Wall Suppor

Hand Stand Pushups – Wall Support

Hand Stand Pushups with wall support develop full-body strength. This exercise is advanced and should be performed with supervision. Build a strong level of strength in the shoulders and upper-body before attempting this exercise. Coordination and balance are improved.

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PowerBlock Dumbbell Row -- Standing

PowerBlock Dumbbell Row — Standing

The PowerBlock Dumbbell Row — Standing strengthens the latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoids, scapular retractors, spinal extensors and hip extensors. The bent-over row with dumbbells is a challenging exercise that transfers well to life demands (real-world fitness). The bent-over row will help you build a strong, great looking back.

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Alternating Curl -- Seated

Alternating Curl — Seated

The Alternating seated curl is a great biceps builder. This exercise lets you focus on your biceps without letting you cheat with your body. Alternating arms gives each side a little rest so you can pump out a few more repetitions. To perform this exercise you will need a pair of dumbbells and a place to sit. Keep your writs straight and palms up. This is a “must have” for anyone looking for great arms.

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Alternating Curl -- Standing

Alternating Curl — Standing

The standing alternating curl is a bodybuilding staple. You can use more weight than the seated variation because you can cheat by using your body to help swing the weight up. You can use the standing alternating curl to develop mass and strength. For a great arm pump use lighter weight and perform more repetitions. For strength development, use heavier dumbbells even though you won’t be able to perform as many reps. Using dumbbells allows you to use both elbow flexion and supination.

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