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PowerBlock Bench Press

The PowerBlock bench press is an alternative to the barbell bench press. You will not be able to use as much weight as the traditional bench press because it is harder to control the dumbbells. Variety is the key to breaking through plateaus. Using dumbbells, like the dumbbell bench press, is a great way to add variety to your routine.

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Punching Combo 1

Even if you don’t like to fight shadow boxing and punching a bag can be a great way to improve your coordination, cardiovascular conditioning and explosive power. This simple 4 strike combo works on 3 basic strikes: the jab, the cross and cross elbow (left and right side). Boxing is a great way to break the boredom of your normal conditioning routine.

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Straight Bar Chest Press on Exercise Ball

Straight Bar Chest Press on Exercise Ball

The Straight Bar Chest Press on Exercise Ball is significantly more challenging than the barbell bench press. The ball forces you to stabilize your body while pressing the bar. You are also using you glutes and hamstrings to maintain proper position on the ball. This exercise requires you to focus your attention on using proper technique which helps you get more out of the exercise.

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