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Elliptical Cross Trainer

The elliptical cross trainer moves beyond the limitations of traditional elliptical trainers and unleashes a powerful new exercise modality precisely matching your body’s natural movement. The elliptical cross trainer provides a truly unique workout experience. Responsive incline adjustment makes workouts challenging and effective.

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Treadmill running is a cardiovascular exercise. Running on the treadmill is an alternative to outdoor running for people in cold weather climates. The treadmill can be used to increase stride length and stride frequency. Increasing your stride length and/or frequency will increase your running speed. Running on the treadmill burns calories.

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Depth Jump and Lateral Sprint

Depth Jump and Lateral Sprint

The depth jump and lateral sprint is a good plyometric exercise to build explosive power and sprinting speed. This is a very advanced exercise and should not be attempted unless you have a solid conditioning base. The depth jump and lateral sprint simulates the demands of many sports, such as basketball and soccer, and allows the athlete to focus on mechanics to improve their performance on game day.

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Depth Jump with 180-Degree Spin

Depth Jump with 180-Degree Spin

The depth jump with 180 degree spin improves both explosive power and proprioception. Plyometric exercises are advanced exercises that require a high level of fitness before you attempt them. The depth jump uses the stretch reflex to improve the explosive power in your legs. The 180 degree spin improves your awareness and balance. This is important for many sports, especially basketball and volleyball.

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Forward and Backward Jump (Trampoline)

Forward and Backward Jump (Trampoline)

Forward and backward jumping on a trampoline develops power in the legs and hips. The trampoline requires additional stabilization at the ankles, knees and hips. The added instability challenges your body to remain balanced as you jump forward and backward. If the exercise is performed for several minutes it can be a great conditioning exercise. This exercise is can be included as part of a circuit training program.

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Running is a very basic exercise that many people find enjoyable. It is a good way to improve your cardio vascular endurance and burn fat. When running be aware of your posture be aware of where you are stepping. You should alternate between steady state running and intervals. Before you start running you need a good pair of running shoes.

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Lunge Touchdown and Thrust – Alternating

Lunge touchdown and thrust alternating legs is a great full-body conditioning exercise. This exercise can be used to strengthen the hips, shoulders, torso and arms. The lunge touchdown integrates upper and lower body movement which transfers well to sport and life. This exercise can be performed slowly for emphasis on muscular development or faster to develop the neuromuscular system.

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