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Barbell Static Lunge

Barbell Static Lunge

The stationary or static barbell lunge is a great beginner exercise for developing strong, legs and glutes. The static barbell lunge can be performed at home or in the gym with limited space and equipment. It’s recommended that the static lunge be performed after a strong strength base has been built with squats or leg presses. The static barbell lunge is ideal for anyone looking to get a great lower-body workout.

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PowerBlock Push Press With Rotation

PowerBlock Push Press With Rotation

The PowerBlock Push Press with Rotation develops power and strength in the upper and lower-body. The rotation component activates the core muscles. If you are looking for a quick, effective workout, combine this exercise with Burpees and the Long Jump. You may use heavier weights performing the push press than when performing the exercise with strict form.

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Ball Side Drape — Arm At Side

The ball side drape with arm at side is an excellent stretch for the torso. This exercise can be added to your workout on your strength or cardio day. It’s recommended that you perform the ball side drape with your arm at your side to help control the stability of the ball. Keep your feet apart to create a solid support base for your upper body. Exhale and melt into the ball.

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PowerBlock Half Curl-Down

PowerBlock Half Curl-Down

The PowerBlock half curl-down targets the core muscles. The half curl-down is a challenging and fun way to strengthen the abdominals. Do not perform this exercise if you have any low back issues. Half curl downs should be performed after full sit ups have been mastered. Select a weight that is within your capabilities.

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PowerBlock Sit Up

PowerBlock Sit Up

The PowerBlock sit-up is a great exercise for training abs. If you desire a flat-belly, you’ll want to include this exercise in your routine. If regular floor sit-ups are too easy, use a dumbbell to increase the resistance on the abs. The hip flexors are also involved in the sit-up. The goal is to continually challenge the abs to grow stronger. Keep the rest periods to a minimum and your get more results in less time.

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PowerBlock Static Lunge

PowerBlock Static Lunge

The PowerBlock static lunge is a good exercise for beginners because it does not require a great deal of balance to perform. The static position keeps the resistance on the lead leg and helps keep your trunk upright. Static lunges sculpt your legs and glutes while providing additional performance related benefits. If you play a sport the static lunge will help you create more powerful legs.

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Wide-Stance Barbell Half-Squat -- Toes Out

Wide-Stance Barbell Half-Squat — Toes Out

Wide stance barbell half squats performed with the toes pointed out strengthen the inner thighs. The reduced (partial) range of motion allows for greater loads to be used in training. Therefore, additional fast-twitch muscle fibers are recruited. Fast-twitch muscle fibers increase in size (hypertrophy) and add mass to the legs.

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Dumbbell Static Lunge

Dumbbell Static Lunge

The dumbbell static lunge is a good exercise for beginners because it does not require a great deal of balance to perform. The static position keeps the resistance on the lead leg and helps keep your trunk upright. Static lunges sculpt your legs and glutes while providing additional performance related benefits. If you play a sport the static lunge will help you create more powerful legs.

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