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The Achilles stretch is commonly performed to losses the ankle joint and the lower portion of your calf. Before stretching your body should be warmed up using various dynamic movement drills. The Achilles stretch can be performed after a lower body workout or running. Proper stretching is important to avoid injuries and help your body recover. No equipment is required to perform the Achilles stretch.

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Ankle Pump

If you hope to excel in nascar this exercise is a must. All kidding aside, the ankle pump helps build strength on both the front and back side of the lower leg. It is a good warm-up for speed and agility drills. It also is a good “pre-hab” exercise to prevent ankle injuries and shin splints. If you play a sport, this exercise can be used at the end of a game to help the calf and shin muscles recover.

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Calf and Step

The calf and step exercise develops flexibility and mobility at the ankle joint. The calf and step exercise stretches the tibialis anterior (shin) and the gastrocnemius (calf). The calf and step is perfect for post-workout recovery and can be performed on a stair or step. To increase the range-of-motion you may perform the exercise on a higher step so the heals of your feet do not touch the floor.

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Calf Raise on Step

The calf raise on a step utilizes a greater range-of-motion (ROM) than the calf raise from the floor. This increase in range-of-motion will deliver more real-world benefits, such as increased ankle flexibility and strength. This provides more stability when running or playing sports. The calf raise on a step can be used as a warm-up or cool-down exercise. It can be included in your lower-body workout to shape and define your lower legs.

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Chair Stand

The chair stand is a good exercise for developing starting strength. It is also a very functional exercise, we all sit and stand everyday. To keep it safe avoid using a chair with wheels that could roll out from under you. When performing this exercise, make sure you use your hips and legs to drive up to standing. This is a good exercise for beginners who aren’t quite ready for regular squats.

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Long Sitting Band Foot Inversion — Unilateral

Long sitting band foot inversion strengthens the ankle and helps prevent excessive pronation (turning outward) during walking and running. Excessive pronation can cause the ankle to roll and may lead to knee problems. This exercise is performed while seated, making it a good choice for anyone with limited or no hip strength.

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