PowerBlock Row on Ball

PowerBlock Row on Ball

The PowerBlock row performed on a Swiss ball is a challenging exercise for the back, rear-deltoids, biceps, and core muscles. By keeping your elbows up and out you achieve a peak-contraction in the upper back. The dumbbell row on the Swiss ball can be added into your workout routine on your upper-body day, back and biceps day or as part of a circuit training plan.

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PowerBlock Upright Row

PowerBlock Upright Row

PowerBlock upright rows strengthen and define the shoulders and traps. The biceps also assist in pulling the dumbbells up. The dumbbell upright row should be performed with a moderate weight and care must be taken to use proper technique. If too heavy of a load is used with improper technique a shoulder injury may occur. A common injury at the shoulder joint is “impingement” in which the bones pinch the tendons in the shoulder rotators.

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