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Alternating Lying PowerBlock Row

Alternating Lying PowerBlock Row

The alternating lying PowerBlock row is a good alternative to the bent-over row because it places very little stress on the low back. While you will not be able to use as much weight you will be able to effectively target the shoulders and upper back. This exercise required dumbbells and a bench making it a good exercise for anyone with limited access to equipment. The alternating lying row can also be performed on a swiss ball to engage the core muscles.

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Hanging Deadlifts

Hanging Deadlifts

Hanging deadlifts are performed without the bar touching the floor. Deadlifts strengthen the glutes, legs, back and torso. Hanging deadlifts are usually performed with less weight than regular deadlifts. Hanging deadlifts are excellent for overall body development and can give you a great conditioning workout if the rest periods are kept to a minimum.

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Dumbbell Row on Ball

Dumbbell Row on Ball

The dumbbell row performed on a Swiss ball is a challenging exercise for the back, rear-deltoids, biceps, and core muscles. By keeping your elbows up and out you achieve a peak-contraction in the upper back. The dumbbell row on the Swiss ball can be added into your workout routine on your upper-body day, back and biceps day or as part of a circuit training plan.

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Dumbbell Shoulder Press -- Seated

Dumbbell Shoulder Press — Seated

The dumbbell shoulder press builds strength and definition in the shoulders, upper chest and triceps. Performing the dumbbell shoulder press without trunk support activates the core muscles and challenges your body’s muscles to stabilize while pressing overhead. Alternate pressing each arm for variety and to increase the demand on the trunk.

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Ball Superman On Toes

Ball Superman On Toes

The superman exercise performed on the ball develops the erector spinai muscles and glutes. Performing the superman exercise on a swiss ball increased the demand placed on your core muscles. By holding your arms at your side you also stretch the chest and shoulders. This allows you to develop strength-endurance in your back while stretching the upper body. Keep your feet apart for more stability and closer together for increase difficulty.

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Lying Dumbbell Row

Lying Dumbbell Row

The lying dumbbell row develops the latissimus dorsi “lats”, rear-deltoids, and the scapula muscles. The bench provides a brace for the upper body to prevent excessive strain on the lower back. Select a bench that allows the bar to travel through a full range of motion. Use lighter dumbbells for muscular endurance and heavier weights for strength development.

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Lying PowerBlock Row

Lying PowerBlock Row

The lying PowerBlock row develops the latissimus dorsi “lats”, rear-deltoids, and the scapula muscles. The bench provides a brace for the upper body to prevent excessive strain on the lower back. Select a bench that allows the bar to travel through a full range of motion. Use lighter dumbbells for muscular endurance and heavier weights for strength development.

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Lying Single-arm Reverse Cable Fly

Lying Single-arm Reverse Cable Fly

The lying single-arm reverse cable fly targets the rear-deltoids and upper back muscles. This is a good exercise for building strength-endurance in the shoulders. Using the bench removes the stabilization demand normally placed on the hip and core muscles. The cable column provides more tension for the shoulders than dumbbells. Squeeze at the top for a peak-contraction.

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PowerBlock Dumbbell Row -- Standing

PowerBlock Dumbbell Row — Standing

The PowerBlock Dumbbell Row — Standing strengthens the latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoids, scapular retractors, spinal extensors and hip extensors. The bent-over row with dumbbells is a challenging exercise that transfers well to life demands (real-world fitness). The bent-over row will help you build a strong, great looking back.

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